• The Final Principal's Corner- 6/10 - 6/14

    Posted by Jason Cooper on 6/7/2024

    “We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we will take a little of each other everywhere.” -Tim McGraw.

    Serving as Wishram School's Principal has been an incredible honor and privilege. Throughout my tenure, I've had the joy of witnessing our students' remarkable growth and the unwavering dedication of our faculty and staff. Together, we've fostered a nurturing and dynamic educational environment where every child feels valued and supported. I'm immensely proud of the collaborative spirit and sense of community that defines Wishram School, and I look forward to watching the district grow and achieve even more in the future. Cheers to Tye, Brent, and all the crew!

    -The final Principal's Corner of 2024, maybe Mr. Cameron will carry on the tradition. If so, put me on the mailing list. Start pressuring him early;)
    -Thank you, Seniors, for a great year. You worried and stressed us out but also gave us joy, laughter, and memoirs! Best of luck on your journey forward.
    -Thank you to the Wishram community. If not for your support and dedication, we would not be successful.
    -Thank you to a dedicated staff. Every day, you pushed our kids and supported their growth. I hope your summer is relaxing and rejuvenating.
    -Thank you, kids! You are the reason why we are here!
    Week in Review:
    Monday- Staff Meeting, Community BBQ, Title/Lap Parent Night
    Wednesday- WAGAP & CEKC Community Event, Field Trips-Secondary and Elementary
    Thursday- Last Day of School - Rewards Assembly, Grades due by 3:30, End of 4th Quarter 
    Friday - Classroom Checkout with Principal - FLAG DAY
    1. This Monday is busy- Staff Meeting, Title/Lap Parent Night, and Community BBQ
    2. This Wednesday is busier—the secondary students are going to the Movies and Pizza, and the Elementary students are going Swimming in Yakima.
    3. Teacher Checkout is Thursday or Friday; grades are due by June 14. No exceptions.
    4. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy - Summer is almost here!
    CEL to Ponder:  
    Criterion 4: Providing a clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum.
    P3 Design of performance task

    Performance tasks require a demonstration of thinking connected to the learning target and the application of discipline-specific concepts or skills. Students can use prior learnings/understandings to engage in new performance tasks.
    A Little Humor:
    Q: What school do kids like to go to during the summer?
    A: Sundae school – because of all the ice cream!

    Q: How is a teacher’s summer vacation like someone closing their eyes?
    A: There aren’t any pupils to see.

    Q: Why didn’t the school basketball player go away for summer vacation?
    A: He didn’t want to get called for traveling

    Q. What did the student say when his teacher handed him his final report card of the year?
    A: Do you want me to sign it now or later?

    Q. Why did the teacher scold her student all year long for something he didn’t do?
    A: It was his homework that he didn’t do!

    -Chuck Norris doesn't take a summer break; summer breaks to make time for him!

    -Chuck Norris vs. Tye Churchwell? Well, Chuck Norris doesn't compete; he just declares Tye Churchwell the winner and takes him out for a friendly round of lemonade.

    -Chuck Norris vs. Sarah Hathaway? When they face off, the universe decides it's too much awesomeness in one place and schedules a holiday just to celebrate their epic encounter!  
    Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

    What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study and some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on building a fulfilling, long life.
    Chris Schumaker
    Wishram Schools
    Comments (-1)
  • The Principal's Corner: June 3 - June 7

    Posted by Jason Cooper on 6/3/2024

    "Learn from every mistake because every experience, encounter, and particularly your mistakes are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are. Then, figure out what the next right move is. And the key to life is to develop an internal moral, emotional G.P.S. that can tell you which way to go." —Oprah.

    -Thank you, staff, students, and helpers for making Wishram Clean-up Day a success. 
    -Congrats, Antoine and family, for the birth of your new grandbaby!
    -Thank you, Sarah, for another successful Payroll completion. Every check (and person), thank you!
    -Thank you, Shila and crew, for the great grub this Friday! Burgers and Potato Salad - YUM!
    Week in Review:
    Monday- REACH, Mental Health Counselor is in
    Tuesday- Staff Meeting, Community BBQ, JH Track Awards, REACH
    Wednesday- REACH
    Thursday- WAGAP Food Truck, REACH
    Friday- Graduation Practice
    Saturday- Graduation @ 11:00 am.
    1. Seniors are gone from Sunday to Thursday for their Senior Trip.
    2. Graduation is on Saturday at 11:00.
    Rep. Mosbrucker is our Guest Speaker
    3.  Tuesday is the Community Appreciation BBQ at the Yakima Housing Complex. The BBQ goes from 4 to 6. This is a perfect time to make up an hour for a whole snow day missed.
    4. Friday is the Yakama Nation Treaty Day Commemoration. The Yakama Nation Treaty of 1855 was signed on June 9th.
    5. Ken Parshall will be here on Tuesday. He would like your feedback on reviewing last Tuesday's strategic and action plans.
    CEL to Ponder:

    PCC5 Ethics and Advocacy  

    The teacher’s professional role toward adults and students is friendly, ethical, and professional. The teacher supports learning for all students, including the historically underserved. The teacher advocates for fair and equitable practices for all students. The teacher challenges adult attitudes and practices that may be harmful or demeaning to students.  
    A Little Humor:
    -Why did the graduate bring a ladder to the ceremony? Because they wanted to get high honors!

    -What do you call a group of musical graduates? A chord-gination!

    -Why did the computer science major get kicked out of graduation? They couldn't find their Ctrl key!

    -What do you call a graduation cap that's full of hot air? A pop-quill-a-tion!
    Special Chuck Norris Edition:

    - When Chuck Norris met Antoine, they didn't fight—they teamed up. Now, the phrase "unstoppable force" refers to their combined power to accomplish anything with unmatched excellence.
    -When Chuck Norris met Ronni, they had a staring contest. After five intense seconds, the room burst into applause because even Chuck Norris had to blink in awe of Ronni's determination.

    -When Chuck Norris met Carisa, they decided to arm wrestle. The match ended in a draw, and from that day on, students have called it "The Day Unstoppable Met Unbeatable." 
    -Did you know that when Chuck Norris went to his high school graduation, he didn’t wear a cap and gown? The cap and gown wore Chuck Norris. And when it came time to give a speech, the microphone handed itself to him out of respect.

    The skill of self-confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

    As the athletic director and head coach of the Ryerson University varsity Soccer team, Dr. Joseph is often asked what skills he is searching for as a recruiter: Is it speed? Strength? Agility? In his TEDx Talk, Dr. Joseph explores self-confidence and how it is not just the most important skill in athletics but in our lives.

    Chris Schumaker
    Wishram Schools
    Comments (-1)