The Principal's Corner for Sept 5 - Sept 8

Posted by Jason Cooper on 9/1/2023 12:00:00 PM

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." —Dolly Parton.

Dolly has a good point. Many times, bad days and sad moments give us the perspective and experience to enjoy the sunshine and happy opportunities. 
Thank you, Jason, for getting all my stuff posted on the website.
Thank you, Ronnie, for keeping our office sane through all the craziness.
Thank you, Elementary Teachers- you have your hands full - and you are still grabbing more. I appreciate your flexibility and fortitude. 
Thank you, Matt, for helping us out with Elementary Support.
Week in Review:
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Staff Meeting, Enrollment Count Day
Wednesday- District Leadership Team Meeting
Thursday- HS VB vs. Wheeler Co.
Friday- HS Football @ Elgin
1. Tuesday is our First Staff Meeting
2.  I will also need a copy of your class syllabus for each class you teach.
A really good resource for this is at: These are important to have and are kept on file. Colleges, the state auditor, and parents will ask to see these. I will collect these by Sept. 15th. Please feel free to either give me a paper copy or an electronic version.
3. Teachers- I will need a curriculum/materials list of all items you use in your instructional practice within the classroom by September 22. The purpose of this is to establish a Curriculum Adoption Cycle for the district. (Title, Publisher, Copy Year Date, and the date you started using it in your classroom).
4. I am trying to arrange training for Character Strong and Xello- more to come.
5. I do have a request. If you need to message me directly- please send me an email. I am not good at Google Chats, and I will miss things, especially with multiple chats. I am a simple guy, and I like simple communication that I can track. Please send me an email. 
CEL To Ponder:
Criterion 1: Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement. 
P1 Learning target(s) connected to standards
Lessons are based on grade-level standards. The daily learning target(s) align with the standard. Students can rephrase the learning target(s) in their own words.
Remember- When I do observations, if I do not see a learning target or students cannot communicate the learning target- the lesson becomes BASIC. All learning starts with the Learning Target in the CEL5D+ Framework.
A Little Humor:
-Dear Math, grow up and solve your own problems.

-What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?" "Supplies!"
-Have you heard about the chocolate record player? It sounds pretty sweet.
-Chuck Norris went skydiving, and his parachute didn't open. Chuck took it back for a refund.
What song cheers you up?
Chris Schumaker
Wishram Schools