The Principals Corner

Posted by Jason Cooper on 11/5/2023

“This is the month of nuts and nutty thoughts — that November, whose name sounds so bleak and cheerless — perhaps its harvest of thought is worth more than all the other crops of the year.” — Henry David Thoreau.

ELECTION DAY ON TUESDAY- Make sure to turn in your ballot!
-Thank you, Ronni and Sarah, for finding a way to keep the building going when everyone is sick and absent.
-Thank you, Matt and Aiden, for taking a chance and participating in Northwest Rise.
-Thank you, Betsy, for serving on the board. Your voice will contribute to our success.
Week in Review:
Tuesday- Title Meeting, ESD 112 visit, Staff Meeting, Election Day
Thursday- REACH/Wishram Advisory Meeting
Friday- Veteran's Day (No School)
Saturday- Community Day
1. The Mental Health Counselor will be in on Monday.
2. Tim Merlino, the ESD 112 Superintendent, will visit Wishram on Tuesday.
3. The Elementary Hallway should be closed to High School students. Have HS students use the stairs and go around. We are having too many disruptions to elementary classes and gym/PE classes.
4. Reminder: we have Latern Play Productions from Portland coming up on Nov. 14 to present two plays to our students. Please plan your instructions to accommodate these culture/climate activities.
8:30 is k-5, and it's Pinocchio
9:45 is 6-12, and it's The Story of Scrooge.

5. We will have Mike Stickland and his daughter Elizabeth's duo piano show on the evening of Tuesday, Nov 14th, at The Dalles CIVIC AUDITORIUM. We have been awarded 20 free tickets. As a staff, we will need to decide how we want to select students to attend. 

6. Veteran's Day Event. More to come.
 7. Two instructors will teach Sexual Health Education Classes and will be separated by gender. 
Females: Nicole Christians, RN, Public Health Nurse, Klickitat County Health Department Nov 6 – Nov 8 
Males: Shannon Boucher, PE Teacher, Wishram High School Nov 6 – Nov 14  
CEL to Ponder:
SE3 Capitalizing on students’ strengths  

The teacher capitalizes on students’ strengths (academic background, life experiences, and culture/language) and applies this knowledge in a variety of ways connected to the unit goals.  
A Little Humor: 
-What do you call rain on Turkey Day? Fowl weather.

-Why was the turkey asked to join a band?
He could bring his own drumsticks.

-Why should you never tell secrets in a cornfield?
Because the corn has ears.

-Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade you've ever tasted.
The Farmer and the Well-

A farmer needed a water source for his farm, so he bought a well from his neighbor. However, The neighbor was cunning. The next day, as the farmer came to draw water from his well, the neighbor refused to let him take any.

When the farmer asked why, the neighbor replied, “I sold you the well, not the water,” and walked away. Distraught, the farmer went to the emperor to ask for justice. He explained what had happened.

The emperor called on Birbal, the wisest of his nine courtiers. Birbal proceeded to question the neighbor, “Why don’t you let the farmer take water from the well? You sold the well to the farmer, did you not?”

The neighbor replied, “Birbal, I did sell the well to the farmer but not the water within it. He has no right to draw water from the well.”

Birbal said, “Look, since you sold the well, you have no right to keep the water in the farmer’s well. Either you pay rent to the farmer or take it out immediately.” Realizing that his scheme had failed, the neighbor apologized and went home.

The Moral-Cheating will not get you anything. If you cheat, you’ll pay soon enough.
Chris Schumaker
Wishram Schools