The Principal's Corner: 2/12 - 2/16

Posted by Jason Cooper on 2/11/2024

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."— Lao-Tze--

Thank you, Alaura, for covering and working a little extra for us.
Great Job, Boys Basketball - District, here we come!
Carisa, having you here at Wishram for the whole week has been great.
Thank you, Reach Team members- for always working hard and giving our kids a nurturing after-school environment.
Jai, Antoine, and Cassandra - thanks for keeping our kids safe, protected, and watched during recess.
Week in Review:
Monday- The Health Counselor is here.
Tuesday- Staff Meeting
Wednesday- District Leadership Team, Valentine's Day
Thursday- Student Staffing
Friday-  All School Awards Day
1. This Friday, 2/16, is a snow makeup day. WE HAVE SCHOOL:)
2. CWU will be here Thursday from 2 to 3.
3. Ronni will be gone Wednesday through Friday. Alaura will be manning the office.
4. Friday is Awards- Make sure you talk to Kristen and Brent if you have questions about student awards.
5. Student Staffing on Thursday.
CEL to Ponder:

A2 Student use of formative assessments over time-

Students use formative assessments at least two to three times per year/course and use formative assessments within each unit to assess their own learning, determine learning goals, and monitor progress over time.  
A Little Humor:

-Why didn’t Han Solo enjoy his steak dinner? It was Chewie.-

-Did you hear about the racing snail who got rid of his shell? He thought it would make him faster, but it just made him sluggish.

-A turtle is crossing the road when he’s mugged by two snails. When the police ask him what happened, the shaken turtle replies, “I don’t know. It all happened so fast.”

-Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it’s a soap opera.

-Jack was nimble, Jack was quick, but Jack still couldn't dodge Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick.

Grit: The power of passion and perseverance

Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating successful students from those who struggled. Here, she explains her theory of "grit" as a predictor of success.
Chris Schumaker
Wishram Schools